About Me

Hello, I'm Cil - nice to meet you!

I would like to introduce you to my new business, Quarry Flowers, which is about my passion; growing and supplying British seasonal flowers. 

I have worked in Human Resources for a long time and have always had an interest in growing flowers and all things gardening. You could say that I am now swapping looking after people to looking after plants!

After years of dreaming, I have now set up a flower cutting garden to supply  beautiful hand tied bouquets to the local area and ‘Pick Your Own Bouquets’  with delicious Devon Cream Teas. It’s a family affair, my husband Rich oversees construction and soil work, he literally can repair anything.

All my flowers are freshly picked with love for simple natural bouquets that change with the seasons. I love the seasonality and the excitement of the first harvest of flowers such as sweet peas, dahlias, and snap dragons. I am always on the look out for new and interesting varieties and love introducing these to my garden. 

Quarry Flowers grow and sell flowers with a much lighter carbon footprint, they are in season and are lovingly grown from seeds and cuttings.

I am part of Flowers from the Farm, an association championing artisan growers of seasonal, scented, locally grown, British cut flowers, aiming to get more seasonal British blooms back into vases across the country. 

We regularly open our garden for the National Garden Scheme, a brilliant charity which raises money for health and nursing charities.